
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Twelve Days of Darjeeling Christmas Day 8: Marrakech Tea Tins

    Sometimes it is possible to have too much tea. Boxes of Bigelow accumulate, bags of loose leaf lie scattered in a drawer, and single bags of different flavors get mixed up in the cabinet. Tea organization is clearly needed. But even for those who don't have trouble organizing their tea, it's still nice to have a place to put bags while adding a little decoration to the kitchen. Given either situation, consider a Marrakech Tea Tin from Teavana. These colorful tea tins hold up to five ounces of tea in an air-tight container that will be sure to keep your tea fresh until enjoyed. I admit that it is unfortunate that a specific pattern can't be specified upon ordering, however I personally wouldn't mind having any of them on my shelf. And for the price, why not order two? One for you and one for a friend-especially since they aren't limited to holding only tea in the kitchen. They could be used in a variety of ways. I personally keep my favorite morning tea (Irish Breakfast) in my tea tin, that way there's no mistaking when it's time to buy more!

    As Christmas Day draws nearer, be sure to like our Facebook page to be entered to win our Twelve Days of Darjeeling Christmas giveaway. Stay tuned for Day 9!


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