
Friday, December 14, 2012

Twelve Days of Darjeeling Christmas Day 2: Holiday Cookies Galore

      Many of us take on the job of hosting parties and get-togethers during the holidays. Those who have taken on that job know all about the various food and drink items to put together for guest's enjoyment. But what's a Christmas party or New Years get-together without a tray of delicious cookies? Most people seem to go one of either two ways. The first is the store bought route that allows cookies to be easily checked off the list. Nothing wrong with that. The second is baking your own cookies in the kitchen; an option that seems to only be taken by those who love baking or those with children who love baking. So what if you could have both options in one batch of cookies for your party this year? 

     Introducing the Flour Pot cookie company as the selected item for the second day of Darjeeling Christmas. The Flour Pot is a mother/daughter owned and operated bakery based out of Ambler, Pennsylvania.

 They have previously been featured in Health, Glamour, and House Beautiful magazines as well as Oprah's "O List," for their delicious, made from scratch, made to order, and hand decorated cookies. They design colorful cookies for all occasions-birthdays, weddings, party favors, and of course the holidays. Speaking of party favors, why not give out a few at your annual Christmas office party? The Flour Pot offers custom business logo cookie tins that will put your company's name and logo right on the cookie for clients, friends, and business partners in attendance to take home with them. Smart idea on your part. Or what if you don't want to give up the tradition of decorating holiday cookies with your kids? The Flour Pot also offers a cookie decorating kit for just that reason. Or maybe you just want to skip the hassle of baking batches of cookies but still want to serve something tasty and festive for dessert. The Flour Pot lets you have your cake and eat it too. And with customers like Ralph Lauren and Saks Fifth Avenue you know they've got to be good!    

Remember to like the Darjeeling Darlings on Facebook and join our holiday event for a chance to win our favorite item from the Twelve Days of Darjeeling Christmas list. Stay tuned for Day 3!


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